“Naked” Yoga.

In spite of the fact that some psychologists, philosophers and upholders of healthy life-style have earlier suggested to their contemporaries to undress while doing exercises, the “naked” yoga has become popular in the world since 2004 thanks to husband and wife Nicole Daedone and Robert Kandell. Four years ago they founded and headed the "One Taste" Urban Retreat Center in San-Fransisco, CA.
Daedone and Kandell are surely a vivid embodiment of principles of their Center. Nicole became the "soul" of their family and creative union. Having seriously been engaged in theosophy, Nicole turned aside the apprenticeships which hierarchy put a body lower than soul. A young Daedone whose sexual experience was mainly taken from books, took a great interest in Viktor Baranko's proceeding, the author of "comprehensive orgasm".

Not posing such a global aim to herself, she developed her own system of sexual, spiritual and physical perfection on the basis of Hinduism, Buddhism, Cabbala and traditional Judaism, which she has always been interested in. A final stage of Nicole's scientific investigations became the meeting with her future husband, Robert Kandell, a "brain" and manager of their Center.

Robert, who was brought up in the family with strict Jewish traditions, had left the house till that time and was enjoying the freedom. A charming know-all Nicole tested her system on a nice young man, having suggested him the shortest way to join the "consciousness and sensuality". Kandell being in love with Nicole enjoyed the fruits of his darling's wisdom. When later she said him: "Robert, I had a sight. We need a center", Kandell answered unhesitatingly: "I agree".

During these years the "One Taste" has become unusually popular. The followers of "naked” yoga come here to take part in erotic readings and trainings. The eye-witnesses affirm that in 15 minutes after lesson has started, "students" forget about their nakedness, being aspired to go as further as possible in the way of self-perfection.