Yoga for Pregnant

As many intelligent people say, using gestation to lose flesh by training is the same as to put oral contraceptives off. There is proper time and place to everything in the world. Unripe apple is tasteless; the overripe or rotten one is tasteless too. Only ripe and timely plucked apple is tasty and good.
Exercises during the pregnancy is aimed to quite another things in comparison with other trainings in public groups.
Purpose number one of your public trainings is health of YOUR body and sometimes – of YOUR mind. Purpose number one during the pregnancy – be this yoga or any other technique – is health of body and mind of YOUR CHILD.
You have had and will have all your life to train your body, while your child has only 9 months. Even not 9 but 6 months, because it's recommended to start physical training since the first trimester of pregnancy. And even not 6 but 5, because a woman will hardly do any exercises during the 9th month.
Only five months!
You could have a question then – Is it necessary to engage in yoga for pregnancy at all? May be it'd be better to sleep more or to work to keep your career during this period?
The answer is simple. If you wanted this child with all your heart, and you are expecting his coming as the greatest gift from unknown benefactor, good gift, which lays the greatest responsibility on you, inexplicably necessary for you as an air – then you will be glad to have these 5 months to work with your baby, and those 5 minutes when hearing and listening to doctors, straining and relaxing your body, you calmly and confidently will bring to this world that one who will help you become adult...
Five long months! :)
Let's clarify the purpose of yoga group for pregnant or pre-natal (antenatal) training? What is meant "to be ready for childbirth"? An interesting thing that you must do nothing to make your body ready for delivery. That's it. Nothing. Everything happens absolutely normal and in itself, without your interested participation.
Do you control the process of pre-natal fetation? I mean, can you control the process, influence on it in some way? Slow down, speed up, direct to another way, stop it? No. You can just watch. Or interrupt it roughly. Watch how your body is changing. How your mood is changing. Your perception. Health.
That's why, when it's time to deliver, your body will be ready to give the birth to a child, and no one can prepare it better by any exercises.
So, why then you need yoga for pregnant?
For very simple reasons. Pregnancy and childbirth are absolutely natural processes. But it's a test for your body. Nature does everything for you to pass this test. But to help yourself is always good.
A rare woman who conceives is completely healthy nowadays. At least at the level of her body. It's normal when there are some moderate physical activities in the life of individual. This is normal. This is good. But we used to look at people developing their bodies either as at sportsmen making money on this, or strangers who have time and money for such an eccentricity.
Doing physical and respiratory yoga exercises during your pregnancy and after delivery will allow you to less suffer from pain in your spine – the centre of gravity of your body shifts forward after all, the spinal muscles strain themselves more than usual. More open and worked over pelvis will allow having less painful delivery. Being familiar with respiratory exercises will allow you not to lose your consciousness and suffocate during the parturition, when the body breathes rather strongly. Regular presence of certain discomfort feeling in your body while doing this or that exercises will allow you to be ready for psychological pain, if any will occur. You will not be in panic. You will hear your doctors, their instructions, and be able to perform them.
Choosing yoga you help yourself.