Yoga Helps To Achieve Good Look And Healthy Body

When we hear the word "yoga", we imagine the pose of "lotus": crossed legs, straight back, hands on the knees, slow and rhythmic breath. But this is only one of various poses, which a body can be brought to during the exercises. Moreover, this is one of the initial poses, which helps concentrating on the body and breathing: a very slow breath in and a very slow breath out.
The “Newton” Monthly Publication has recently published the results of research by scientists from Milan University. During the experiment a group of yoga teaches, who have been teaching yoga for more than 4 years, was subjected to research. "The first results, - claimed the leader of research Arsenio Veikshteinas, - indicate that unlike those who leads sedentary life, people who do yoga have fat lower by 40%, muscle mass higher by 30-40%, stronger bones, and lower blood pressure ". In other words, this is an ideal kind of sport for people who suffer from high blood pressure.
It's well to note, that there are many kinds of different types of yoga, and multiple "branches" of one and the same base technique. In these versions not the position types are changed, but the order of doing exercises or the accent on definite poses, and also the time of being in this or that pose.
The discipline consists of poses (asanas) and movement (mudra), which besides the improvement of joints mobility and strengthening of muscles, stimulate charkas – the energetic centers related to different functions of organism and psychophysical condition.
It could seam that we talk about the "sitting sport". This ancient discipline of oriental origine provides not only a therapeutic, stimulating and cleaning effect to the internal, but (as it was mentioned above) beneficially influence on appearance, because a person who does yoga gets a well-shaped body. Taking different poses, the body and mind learn self-discipline and control. The body position is corrected by micro-movings, leading to the movement of muscles which usually are not used at all.
Yoga combines positive effect of two types of sport: aerobic – those which require physical endurance, and anaerobic – those which require brief but intense efforts (as weight-lifting).