Yoga as a cult of healthy living

The cult of healthy lifestyle is becoming increasingly popular in various circles of society. Diet, different sports have become an effective opposition to crazy urban rhythm and stress. Thereupon, yoga has become extremely popular, having pushed fitness from a leadership position to the second place.
In many cities around the world, gradually multiple beautiful, modern and comfortable yoga studios begun opening one after another instead of semi-basement yoga-rooms. Famous designers started including clothes for yoga into their collections, many major brands use the image of yoga in their campaigns. All this has happened so quickly that the person who is going to do yoga, can get lost in the number of proposals, names of schools, techniques, methods, directions widely mentioned in the world web: Hatha Yoga, Ayengara Yoga, Ashtanga Yoga, Kundalini Yoga, Yoga-23, Tri-Yoga.
To assist a person, there are multiple print media: the shelves of book stores are literally overwhelmed with guides for yoga, biographies of world celebrities who have become adepts of Yoga, the great guru of yoga.

Most of those who starts training today consider yoga a miraculous cure for all ailments. And no matter how they are indignant at simplified approach to this ancient practice, being systematized as far back as in the V century B.C. by Indian wise man Patanjali, the statistics is implacable - Yoga is in great demand today, because this is not only more sparing than the fitness with its training apparatuses, but in practice, is very useful to the body.

Scientists confirms the fact that yoga is also a cure. One of the miracles of yoga is a wonderful cold endurance of adherents of one of the most secretive Tibetan practices - Thummo. The adherents of Thummo Yoga can even dry a wet sheet on the nude body at temperature below 20 degrees. The science explains that in fact the warm-blooded organisms are able to produce an unlimited quantity of heat on the cold by burning fat in the lungs. So, we can breathe in the sharp frost, instantly warming the air. Targeted at developing this ability one can achieve a phenomenal cold endurance, what the Tibetan yogis do.

The question of what yoga to choose is far from idle. Today, the most popular directions are Ayengara yoga and Ashtanga yoga. Ayengara is good because it suits everyone. There are no restrictions on age and physical training. It is static and is based on a proper construction of asanas. In Ashtanga yoga the asanas are performed in a dynamic sequence and synchronized with breathing. It focuses on the young and physically trained.

Even if you are doing a very gentle yoga, there are still some constraints related to health. By the way, a guarantee that you has come doing yoga to the right place is the mandatory division into groups by the level of complexity. But even if you are in the initial group, it does not mean that training will be very easy for you. Typically, at the first level the asanas are physically harder than at the next one, but they are not dangerous. Conversely, in the more advanced yoga the asanas may seem to be too easy, but one can begin only when the body is ready for this. In addition, many centers have special therapeutic classes: for pregnant women, for example, or for people who have problems with the spine.

Recently, Kundalini yoga is getting more and more fans. This is a complicated technology, that goes beyond the boundaries of the body on a mental level. Dynamic and static asanas in Kundalini yoga are accompanied by breathing techniques, meditation and singing of mantras, affecting not only the body but also the consciousness. It is believed that during the Kundalini-yoga classes, a powerful ejection of endorphine - hormone of happiness - occurs. Endorphine is not produced with simple physical exercises, it is allocated only when they are accompanied by internal concentration and specific respiration.
However, whatever yoga you do, a positive charge is provided to you. Nobody will deny that a healthy spirit is in a healthy body.