Yoga helps to avoid Heart Diseases

Everybody knows that Heart diseases affect the most powerful harm for people all over the World.

But Yoga can help people to save their Health! Yoga techniques could be different and it is not just “touching your toes” like somebody thinks. Practical Yoga relies on scientific researches and provides the wide spectrum of benefits to a human health and well being.
Yoga has many positive effects for your cardiovascular system. It could be direct and indirect effects, but anyway, Yoga can play a big role in the heart care. According to Pitanjali, Yoga is "restraining extrovert activities of the mind so the self emerges in its own form". The Major point of Yoga is driving a person to self-realization, awaking slipping power of the body using asanas (yogic postures). Meditation could make people mid clear and positive using special technique of pranayama (breath control). The result is achieved thought the full relaxation of the body and the mind.

Yoga comes to the person as a living soul and treats the body and mind together. Many doctors say that this technique is more successful that traditional medicine, which treats only body. Therefore Yoga can give patients better recovery and greater solace.
Yoga changes person’s body and mind once he/she started practicing it. He/she starts to be keen to stop drinking alcohol, smoking, keep away from non-vegetarian food. According to Doctor S. Thanikachalam, who is a specialist in heart diseases, Yoga is "a combination of psychoanalysis, physiotherapy and psychiatry in one flacon ", and directly affects the area of the brain, which controls endocrine activity (hypothalamus). This prevents the cardiac attacks. Yoga also helps to generate a positive spontaneous energy, which helps the yogic person to protect himself, and have a clear mind and body.