International training courses of Yoga teachers

August 29 - September 27, 2009

Certified 4-week intensive courses.
International guest-lecturers.
Education in English, Polish, Lithuanian and Russian languages.

Admission Requirements
The intensity of the training program requires a high level of discipline and devotion, while skills in the practice of yoga is not a prerequisite. Yoga is primarily domestic growth. Previous experience in the practice of asanas and meditation is preferable.

Courses will take place in the «Lesnik» educational and recreational center. The Center is located in the «Orzechovo-Morskie» village, 5 km to the east of Ustka and 115 km to the west of Gdan'sk, on the picturesque shore of the Baltic Sea. On its territory, there is a beautiful forest (150 meters from the beach). It is an oasis of tranquility and a wonderful place for meditation.

Senior students of Swami Vishnudevanandy
Swami Durgananda

Swami Shivadasananda

Swami Atmaramananda
Tuition Fees

Persons who are currently residing in the West - Europe, the USA, Canada, regardless of nationality:

1700 EUR. - dormitory; 2500 EUR - a room for two; 2900 EUR - a separate room.

Persons born in Russia and Eastern Europe and currently living there:

1050 EUR - a place in the dormitory (3-4 people per room), 1500 EUR - a place in a room for two people; 1800 EUR - a separate room

Teaching Language – people will be taught in English with translation into Polish, Lithuanian and Russian.

What to bring


- “Complete Illustrated Book of Yoga” by Swami Vishnu Devananda;

- “A new book on yoga” / The Sivananda Companion to Yoga;

- “Bhagavad Gita” with commentary by Swami Sivananda (available only in English).

Other accessories

Yoga mat, meditation pillow, blanket, towels, paper and pen, flashlight, warm and comfortable clothing, slippers and comfortable shoes for walking.

Please note that the kriya accessories are not included in the price. You can bring your own or buy it during the course.

During the initiation you will be given the Sivananda Yoga Teacher's Guide, two pairs of pants and two shirts. A little shop will be open daily, where you can buy books, tapes, clothing for yoga mats, pillows and other things.

For more information, please go here:

International guest-lecturers


With the participation of Bhagavat Acharya Sri Vinugopal Goswami from the temple of Radha-Rama, Vrindavan, India.

Spiritual chanting, music and wise sayings, inspired by the Srimad Bhagavatam by the accompaniment of tambla, harmonium, sitara and flute.

«Introduction to Ayurveda»

With the participation of Dr. SK Kamlesh, Lucknow, Northern India.

Ayurveda is the ancient doctrine of natural health and wellbeing. We will introduce you to the basic principles of Ayurveda, including methods of pacification.

«Indian dance»

With Radzhyashri Ramesh - master of the classical South Indian temple dance Bharata Natyam.

Useful Reminder

Participation in all programs is mandatory. To maintain the proper atmosphere, wearing the flashy clothes, eating meat, fish, eggs, drinking coffee, black tea, using tobacco, alcohol and drugs are prohibited. Violation of this rule may lead to dismissal from the course. Here people eat the lacto-vegetarian food only. We can not cater to special dietary needs of each practitioner. Education on the course is based on the traditions of Gurukula. This is a classic way of knowledge transferring in the spiritual tradition of Yoga. Its basis is the trust and mutual respect between teacher and pupil. The purpose is to get the complete physical, mental and spiritual development of pupils. We recommend to look through our teaching, attending classes and satsangs (group meditation) at one of the Sivananda centers.


Center for Education and Recreation «Lesnik». The Forest Inspectorate.
Orzechowo Morskie, 76-270 Ustka, Poland
Tel. and fax +4859-81-44-635

Contact Information:
Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Zentrum Berlin
Schmiljanstrasse 24
12161 Berlin

Tel +49 (0)30 85 99 97 98
Fax +49 (0)30 85 99 97 97

Teachers courses information:

If the nose is not breathing.

In yoga, breathing through the nose is paid much attention. The fact is that the nasopharynx is located closely to the cerebral hemispheres. Therefore, active nasal breathing stimulates the frontal lobes and, therefore, can awaken the dormant areas of the brain. According to observations of yogis, it develops the mind, improves memory and concentration, and sometimes awakens the hidden human capabilities, such as intuition and even clairvoyance.

In yoga, there is a special procedure of nose purification (neti), which is an integral part of the 6 main yogic purification practices (shatkarma-kriya). Here is a simple version of it, which does not require special preliminary training or special yoga asceticism.

So, the first step is to rinse the nostrils with water, releasing them from lumps of solidified nasal mucus. To do this, lightly draw water into the nostrils, and then forcibly blow it out. Usually, together with mucus, it also washes away the dust and dirt filtered by nose during breathing.

Then, perform the second step - nasal water abstersion. In yoga it is called Jal-neti. Fill a small teapot with warm, a little bit salty water (the ratio is 1 teaspoon to 0.5 liters of water). Stand over the sink, and while bending your head to the right insert the spout into the left nostril. Then, slowly pour water which gradually begins to flow from the right nostril. At this time, breathe through the mouth. If everything is done correctly, the water automatically flows from the bottom nostril, washing the nasopharynx. After a short rest, incline your head to the left and repeat the procedure from the right nostril to the left.

Lavage is a useful procedure, but remember that our nose is still for breathing. Therefore we need the third step - cleaning of the nose and thin nasal passages with air. This is carried out by the following exercise: inhale gently through the «difficult» nostril and exhale through the «easy» one (anuloma-viloma pranayama). Repeat several times, then relax a little.

The effect of this exercise is based on the fact that a thin stream of cool air activates circulation in the nasopharynx system, and it helps cleaning the nostril very quickly. It is useful to carry out the procedure of nose cleaning just before the exercise. Cold air slightly narrows the blood vessels, that is, acts as the nasal drops, but unlike medicines, it does not have side effects. If you do the exercise regularly, it's possible to completely get rid of colds with time.

Sometimes the «difficult» nostril opens if you lie on the opposite side for 3-5 minutes. A regular massage of nose wings near the bridge of nose is also helpful. Remember that nasal breathing is very helpful for the brain, so it is better to try to clean the «difficult» nostril. Gradually the habit of nasal breathing is fixed, and eventually you'll breathe by nose absolutely freely.