Bhakti Yoga - the science of our era

For centuries, Bhakti was followed by the great sages, holy men and kings. Prominent poets of the past dedicated wonderful poems and songs to the glory of God, and praised a pure love for the Lord.
Nowadays, the Bhakti Yoga (a relationship with God through a faithful service of him) becomes even more relevant and valuable than thousands years ago. Because now people have neither the time nor the ability to meet the requirements of any other host system of Yoga. But the method of Bhakti is quite simple. The Bhakti Yoga will help us develop a truly high qualities in ourselves and find what everyone strives living in a material world - the eternal life, eternal happiness, and eternal knowledge.
Practicing of Bhakti-yoga is available to everyone, whoever he could be. There's no need to retract from the world, keep house, family and work or go to great expense. You need only one – to give Lord Krishna the most important place in our lives. He should be the one we devoted all of our thoughts, desires and deeds. We will achieve this if we repeat, with love and devotion, a sacred name of God – the Hare Krishna Maha-mantra, follow the prescribed limits, read the Bhaktivedanty Swami Prabhupady books and eat only what was first presented to our Lord as a sign of our love.

International Festival of Yoga in Bali

Despite of the frustration of Muslim religious figures, on the Indonesian island of Bali, the International Festival of Yoga was open in March, 2009. Since January, it was announced that the Muslims are prohibited from engaging in yoga, as it includes elements of Hindu religious rites - such as reading mantras. Nevertheless, the festival was held, and that's great.

Organizers of the International Festival argue that it stands outside of any religious teachings and denominations, and aims to not only deliver the benefits of a popular recreational practice to the widest possible audience, but also to prove that yoga is not contrary to Islam. «This festival has a universal value. It does not belong to any religious teachings, »- said the representative of the festival organizing committee Susi Andrini.

According to organizers, the festival took more than 500 people from the United States, Germany, Sweden, Japan, China and other countries.